New View Pavillion


Research Project


Romantso Culutral Center


Topotheque, David J. Gerber, Kkervvit


Form Finding, Parametric Design, Agent Based Modelling and Simulation, Digital Fabrication


Spring 2014



Description: Description: New View, is a research pavilion which demonstrates the combination of a structural form finding method, with an agent based design system through the digital fabrication processes. The focus of this research is to test a design to production work flow which integrates material and construction constraints of a specific structural system early in the design process. Moreover it is investigated how such constraints can be described computationally and translated into design drivers. The objective is to enable designers to deal with geometric complexity while taking into consideration design performance feedback and material constraints.
Material properties and assembly methods are integrated into a digital design and simulation work flow that enables emergent patterns to influence the performance of the form found shell. The approach is tested through a prototype of a self standing canopy structure in 1:1 scale. The structure is comprised of custom produced panels from curved plywood which are interlocking without any additional joinery. The pavilion manifests results in form finding, generative patterning, and digital fabrication affordances and sets an agenda for next steps in the use of agent based models for design purposes.